The 365 Day Journey

Day 5 of 365: The Attitude of Gratitude

They say successful people always has a grateful heart. I didn't understand this at first but for the past month I made an experiment. And during those times I realized that having a grateful heart makes you see even the "littlest" things as a blessing. Here's what I did: No matter how bad my day… Continue reading Day 5 of 365: The Attitude of Gratitude

The 365 Day Journey

Day 3 of 365: Rejections, Rejections, and more Rejections

It's Day 3 and my life has been quite unusual. Following a goal actually seems like activating a genie who threw me in a sea of sharks dealing with each and every one with a poking stick. I learned to choose to respond to rejection, because this could determine the entire course of my future.… Continue reading Day 3 of 365: Rejections, Rejections, and more Rejections