The 365 Day Journey

Day 3 of 365: Rejections, Rejections, and more Rejections

It's Day 3 and my life has been quite unusual. Following a goal actually seems like activating a genie who threw me in a sea of sharks dealing with each and every one with a poking stick. I learned to choose to respond to rejection, because this could determine the entire course of my future.… Continue reading Day 3 of 365: Rejections, Rejections, and more Rejections

Poetry and Prose


Beyond the melancholy winds and over the hills There was a lady quietly waiting under a tree. No words can express the sadness in her eyes. No comfort can bring her bliss. There was nothing but tears of longing for someone she has been waiting. Ten thousand miles apart, These two worlds collide. For fate… Continue reading Waiting

Poetry and Prose

The Life of a Sinner

A Poem of Praise. How marvelous are your ways, Oh Lord! How great is your might! You created the earth in splendor, and bathe it in your light. From the mysteries of the seas To the beauty of the skies; How does one fathom all the colors, love and life? Here I am , nothing… Continue reading The Life of a Sinner

Poetry and Prose

The War of the Worlds

Have you ever felt so alone; The type of sadness that seeps through your bones; When everything else seems so lost And with all your might you try to find the cause?   Your heart starts to feel so fragile, so weak; Then like a glass, you easily shatter in just a blink. Circumstances can… Continue reading The War of the Worlds