The 365 Day Journey

Day 5 of 365: The Attitude of Gratitude

They say successful people always has a grateful heart. I didn't understand this at first but for the past month I made an experiment. And during those times I realized that having a grateful heart makes you see even the "littlest" things as a blessing. Here's what I did: No matter how bad my day… Continue reading Day 5 of 365: The Attitude of Gratitude

The 365 Day Journey

Day 4 of 365: The Diamond in the Rough

I admit I am posting this late because business is demanding a lot of my time that once I get home, I have no energy to do anything but sleep. Nonetheless I have documented everything in a piece of paper to still give you the full back story of how it turned out. Let me… Continue reading Day 4 of 365: The Diamond in the Rough

The 365 Day Journey

Day 3 of 365: Rejections, Rejections, and more Rejections

It's Day 3 and my life has been quite unusual. Following a goal actually seems like activating a genie who threw me in a sea of sharks dealing with each and every one with a poking stick. I learned to choose to respond to rejection, because this could determine the entire course of my future.… Continue reading Day 3 of 365: Rejections, Rejections, and more Rejections

The 365 Day Journey

Day 2 of 365: Dealing with Disagreements

Would you remember the last time you wanted something and yet everybody was against it? I've had that experience and this was what I have experienced today. I started my day like any regular employee would be doing on a Monday morning: I woke up, had a short quiet time with God, took a bath,… Continue reading Day 2 of 365: Dealing with Disagreements

The 365 Day Journey

Day 1 of 365: Learning to be Stormproof in Entrepreneurship

My day started at 5:30am. Waking up with a natural body clock tends to make you restless at certain hours and even if you try to get back to sleep, and you just can't feel that it's coming anymore. So since I can't find peace in my bed, I decided to just start and pray… Continue reading Day 1 of 365: Learning to be Stormproof in Entrepreneurship