The 365 Day Journey

Day 2 of 365: Dealing with Disagreements

Would you remember the last time you wanted something and yet everybody was against it? I’ve had that experience and this was what I have experienced today.

I started my day like any regular employee would be doing on a Monday morning: I woke up, had a short quiet time with God, took a bath, dressed up, had breakfast and went off to work.

The journey to work was a bit long, so I had an hour and a half time of daydreaming. I wonder, “What does it feels like to just do what I want on a Monday morning?”. Today, my daydreams were nothing but Moscow, Russia. I kept imagining so many things to do and to experience in the country. Oh! How I wish I’d drop everything and pack my bags and just go to Moscow rather than be sitting in a cramped, lonely van filled with employees like me all en route to our respective offices.

My day went by in a blur at work; same old routine, same old story but the difference is that today I also focused on accomplishing my daily Business To-Do list in between breaks. However, I noticed that despite that I am focusing on my productivity for the day, there were really moments wherein my friends would tell things indirectly at me in disagreement with what I do. It is noticeable that both the frequency and intensity of their words are actually causing me discomfort and it does start to pissed me off. It was really irritating me and was making me lose my patience. And I am questioning: ‘Why?’. To make matters worse, they were laughing at me and I was not taken seriously. I kept on wondering “What did I do wrong anyway?”

I am soooooooo grateful that I was able to read on Malcolm Gladwell’s book before because it resonated strongly with me today. In the book of Malcolm Gladwell (The Outliers), he suggested that a characteristic that an entrepreneur should have is Disagreeableness. To be ‘disagreeable’ means that you don’t require the social approval of your peers to move ahead with disruptive ideas. Having known this concept, I realized that great innovators, like Jobs and Tesla, were creative, conscientious and disagreeable. They persisted and were “willing to go forward in spite of the fact that people around them were calling them crazy.”

So, I let it pass.

The mantra, “I have a wonderful business in a wonderful way. I give wonderful service for a wonderful pay” plays on my mind over and over again in order to fight off the negativity of this challenge and it has been my stronghold. Not only did I feel grateful, but I also learned the value of understanding, and I felt that my character has been honed for the better.

To go against the tide or the status quo is not easy. I must admit that there was this sense of rejection and judgement from people just because I was doing something different. Why should I complain? Jesus was even bashed at his hometown (Nazareth), and crucified in the place where his childhood was formed (Jerusalem). But He became victorious even after 2,000 years so I think this is really part of the process.

When my day ended at work , I immediately rushed to my business meetings to deal with a discussion of plans and strategies and new partnerships. Through it all, despite hearing what they have been telling me and how they acted towards me throughout the day, I am really ecstatic. With 2 contracts signed and new partnerships have been formed; I can’t even think of anything else but to be more excellent with what I do.

Truly, it has been such a rewarding experience.

Bottomline is, we don’t often look at the blessings and miracles we’ve been given, especially when we’re dealing with the torment of pain and failure. So, while there might be a diamond dozen reasons why success was considered to be the best revenge, but choosing your battles will help you gain peace.

I’ll call it a night and see you in Day 3.

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